


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM

Need a website?  We have a developer waiting for your call! Learn More..  Looking to outsource your marketing needs?  We are happy to help!  Contact us today!

Here at PAASI, we enjoy thinking and playing outside of the box.  We believe, based on experience, that there is always a way.  All we have to do is expand our minds to allow for untraditional ideas to emerge in order to find the best practice to accomplish the goal.  We do not have to be traditional or untraditional because sometimes the best plan is mixed with both.  The only thing you have to be is authentic.  Do things your way, just make sure you have all the information you need in order to make that decision intelligently.

The number one reason people choose their business is passion.  You have a passion for your business, and work to create a monetary reward for that passion.  Because passion includes raw emotion, it is easy to get tunnel vision, which absolutely will affect the business as a whole.  A coach helps you to stay focused, while seeing the business as a whole with many, many moving pieces that all work together.  If we only see our product or service, we are ignoring vital pieces to the whole which will directly impact the growth of sales.

Businesses must continually evaluate their processes, evaluate their bills, and evaluate their team.  There is always room for improvement because nothing is ever perfect.  You may say, “We are profitable so I do not need a coach.”  The question we ask to you is, “Do you want to grow, or do you want to stand on the plateau and enjoy the sun?” Just because something is working does not mean it cannot continue to grow upward and outward.  Our coaching program is not about telling you what to do or how to do it, but instead, we focus on listening to what you want to do with your company and your career, and we help you to find and stay on your best path to accomplish your goals.

Efficiency is key in order to maintain minimal operating costs and maximal results.  From managing bills to managing time, every piece is important to maximize profit.  What do we mean when we say managing time?  Managing time is not just about you personally, but managing the time your staff needs to accomplish tasks.  The more efficient your staff becomes, the more productive they become, ultimately producing more profitability in the company.  We are here to help you understand and navigate through the technologies that can be implemented to streamline the processes of your staff, as well as minimizing the time spent managing the staff’s progress on tasks.

Each of our clients have different needs, and we cater to their specific needs.  We coach our clients on all aspects of a business, and enjoy helping new business owners gain the knowledge they need to grow their business.  Do you need help with streamlining your operations to be more efficient and increase productivity?  Do you need help understanding online marketing, and how to use your website to increase qualified leads?  Do you struggle with managing your staff, and need someone to talk about different ways you can develop them to exceed your expectations?  Are you having difficulty retaining customers?  We can help, and are here for you!


Contact us today to get started!