Life is messy. We will be hurt, taken advantage of, and pushed to our limits many times throughout our life. We can either choose to be a victim or we …
Communication Is Key
Communication is both verbal and non-verbal. We have all rolled our eyes, sighed, or had to walk away from someone in a moment of frustration. Think about the last time …
How To Use Your Website
When we go into a business, the biggest cost that is not being managed properly is online marketing simply because they do not know how it works. Business owners tend …
8 Rules of Relationships
The Rule of Personal Responsibility Couples have to not only take responsibility for their actions, but also for their thoughts pertaining to their spouse. When couples simply blame their partner …
Commitment Building in Relationships
In order to build commitment, first you need to understand how your behaviors have been interpreted by your partner. Second, you should talk to your partner about which behaviors your …
Violence In Schools
Given the current climate of school shootings, we began researching journals of psychology, and found many programs that implemented and tested the effectiveness of social, emotional, and behavioral learning. The …